Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The neccessity of criticism.

There are several ways to correct oneself. One can improve by experiences,by understanding the faults of others and by observations of others upon our mistakes. But at the same time it depends upon the person how and what way he implements these comments. So fortunates are those who take them for self improvement.

The neccessity of criticism.

The nessessity of the criticism in one's life.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hardeepsinh R. Gohil

In the fast world of 21st century we generally forgot about the real problems of our life. To achieve more and more material prosperity of this materialistic world, sometimes we forget to satisfy our spiritual self. At the hight of materialistic prosperity one can realise this tentalising situation. but unfortunately very few people find their way outs from there.
It is responsibility as well as self-service for the younger generation of India, [that has greatest inheritance of spiritual soothing as a part of their every actions. Be it in their relationship with mankind(friend or foe) animals(Tamed or Untamed) trees(productive or unproductive) creatures(harmful of harmless) and even the different types of lands(Cultivable or non-cultivable)] to guide the future generation of mankind . It may look idealistic way of finding solution, but try it once, you are surely going to get peace of mind when you say Parasmay Devo bhava.